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Teams for virtual desktop - teams for virtual desktop. Optimization for Microsoft Teams

  Unsupported Teams desktop app versions show a blocking page to users and request vidtual they update their app. Host to client redirection. Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops.  

- Configuring Microsoft Teams for Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) – Ryan Mangan's IT Blog


In this article, I will run through the summary stages of preparing for MS Teams on Windows Virtual Desktop and discuss the tool I have created to streamline the whole process. The link and video for this is provided at the end of this article. This method creates latency, that then impacts the performance and quality of the video and possibly the underlining host performance.

It is also important to note, that re-encoding on a VM without a GPU is CPU intensive and most often impacts the host and other users logged using the desktop. This does not mean all the problems go away when using a GPU…. This provides a better user experience for the WVD users on the Teams call. This method uses the client hardware to encode and decode.

The first step step 1. Microsoft Official Article covers the various different recommendations. The following can be run using the Command line or PowerShell. Check to ensure the runtime has been installed. As shown in the screenshot below, you can see this is now installed on my lab.

This can be downloaded here: WebSocket Service. If configured correctly and you have rebooted the host….. To check if you have configured correctly, click on your Profile icon, then About , and finally Version. This will then show the required information. To speed up the process of preparing and deploying teams on Windows Virtual Desktop. I have written a tool that completes all the pre-requests, downloads the installers and installs all the required components.

All you need to do is ensure you run the application as a admin and you remember to reboot once the install has completed. Also see my other blog post that automates the full teams process using a Custom Script Extension. What do you think about using redirection to lower the size of profiles? Another person recommends something like this in a file then redirect via GPO call to the file.

The concept of a profile stored in a virtual disk, is to facilitate the ability to detach the user profile data from the underlining OS. In most cases, yes. This enables the flexibility of this data roaming with the user in the format of a mountable vDisk.

Yes redirecting reduces the profile size, but for what reason? Moving the data to the local profile local disk. What would be the impact….. Reduction of disk space on the OS local disk possibly performance issues? Meaning the data stored locally is temporary as long as you have configured the XML file correctly.

Design and sizing of the local disk is important, as well as understanding what would be beneficial for redirection. When you look at the significate reduction in profile size by redirecting teams to a temporary local profile.

This should be tested as there may be user experience changes due to the teams data being temporary. I Ryan, in your opinion, this configuration could be used with classic RDP as well?

We have people at home connected to their pc in the office. But when a call is made via a PSTN line, the call is received in Teams remoteapp but when answered, there is no call media as in no voice is heard. Is there any additional configuration that is required for voice call over PSTN? Many thanks in advance.

Ryan, thank you for putting this together. This is really informational. I followed all the steps and being able to redirect audio just fine and people are able to see my video and screen shares but I am not able to view incoming video or screen shares. Can you suggest any solution. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

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Like this: Like Loading Challenges and risks: Yes redirecting reduces the profile size, but for what reason? Conclusion and summary: Redirection is useful for redirecting caches, log files and none essential profile data. Hi, I have not tried this as of yet with remote apps. Just desktop only. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.

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Optimization for Microsoft Teams | Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 - Question Info


Now Microsoft has announced that with media optimizations, it also supports calling and meeting functionality. This was a long-awaited feature and now available in Public Preview for the Windows Desktop on Windows 10 machines. You can now start testing the new software without being part of any private previews.

This feature has been one that was long on the waiting list for customers and has now been released! Note that media optimization for Microsoft Teams is currently in public preview and Microsoft recommends evaluating the optimized Teams user experience before deploying Teams for production workloads. Certain features might not be supported or might have constrained capabilities. Media optimization for Microsoft Teams is only available for the Windows Desktop client on Windows 10 machines.

This section will show you how to install the Teams desktop app on your Windows 10 or 11 Multi-session or Windows 10 or 11 Enterprise VM image. From the start menu, run RegEdit as an administrator. Create the Teams key if it doesn't already exist. You can deploy the Teams desktop app using a per-machine or per-user installation. Download the Teams MSI package that matches your environment. We recommend using the bit installer on a bit operating system.

Teams won't work properly with per-user installation on a non-persistent setup. At this point, the golden image setup is complete. Installing Teams per-machine is required for non-persistent setups.

It's important to understand the difference between these parameters. All users with admin credentials on the machine can uninstall Teams. This uninstalls Teams from the Program Files x86 folder or Program Files folder, depending on the operating system environment. We recommend you make sure to update Teams at least once a month.

To learn more about deploying the Teams desktop app, check out Deploy the Teams desktop app to the VM. If you're using a version of the Remote Desktop client for macOS that's earlier than If you're using the client for the first time and already have version You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

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